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New Movie Mirrors
2008-08-02 | ivc | Updated 2008-08-02

I've finally got around finding a new and permanent mirror for all of our movie releases (4 GB total).

Amazon S3 offers good speed and reliable service for a very suitable price, i.e. 50 GB transfer costs 8.5 USD per month (will hardly hit 10 GB/month). S3 is only available as a web service via REST and SOAP. I used the third-party S3Browse website instead of coding a new uploader and interface.

Let us know if you have any problems with the S3 downloads. Head over to the movies section.

Comment #1 - posted by (188.143.232.*) - 2012-07-08 20:34:22
</a>I'LL BE HONEST HERE only/simply judging from the video posetd here, the game looks OK' to me.The concept is nice, but somehow I find watching the slow, meandering gameplay a tad boring. I don't know, it just didn't grab me.And, although the overall presentation was quite nice, I found the actual design of the game to be a bit bland I'm afraid. I mean, that opening section in the cryostasis area just looked repetitive and painful in my opinion, as was dealing with those baby' things too generic respawn city.The thing I liked the most was the variation in unnerving SFX and screams made by the enemy. Chilling stuff!I dunno. I think after playing and being involved with videogames for 25+ years, I'm much more cynical and selective of my games than I used to be. I could imagine thinking that this game looks amazing if I was a teenager again, but with age and experience, things appear so much more transparent' to me nowadays.I see STRAIGHT through this I'm afraid VN:F [1.9.17_1161](from 0 votes)

Comment #2 - posted by (212.73.212.*) - 2013-07-04 18:16:51
</a>I'LL BE HONEST HERE only/simply judging from the video peotsd here, the game looks OK' to me.The concept is nice, but somehow I find watching the slow, meandering gameplay a tad boring. I don't know, it just didn't grab me.And, although the overall presentation was quite nice, I found the actual design of the game to be a bit bland I'm afraid. I mean, that opening section in the cryostasis area just looked repetitive and painful in my opinion, as was dealing with those baby' things too generic respawn city.The thing I liked the most was the variation in unnerving SFX and screams made by the enemy. Chilling stuff!I dunno. I think after playing and being involved with videogames for 25+ years, I'm much more cynical and selective of my games than I used to be. I could imagine thinking that this game looks amazing if I was a teenager again, but with age and experience, things appear so much more transparent' to me nowadays.I see STRAIGHT through this I'm afraid VN:F [1.9.17_1161](from 0 votes)

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